12 November 2011

Freebie : Free car sickers from IndiaBloodDonors

Indianblooddonors.com is an Address that can save your Life." From Adilabad to Yamuna Nagar, from the most common blood group to the rarest, the site has a huge database of blood donors. So if you need blood, it's a good place to turn to. It's simple. It's effective. It's free. It can match you with a donor near you in minutes. And you can save the life of a loved one. You can also register as a blood donor at the site and save the life of someone else's loved one. Pass the message. And let's build a community that cares ! A Life Depends on it.

Yes you can help save a life by pasting our free car sticker . This small effort of yours will surely help save a life someday.
Please ensure that the Stickers are not wasted as it cost us Approx Rs 10/- to send these stickers to you.

How to get your stickers :-

  1. Go to this page.
  2. Fill out the form carfully
  3. wait for stickers as you will get them within 10 days
Dont just take away these stickers and waste. Use them to help save someone's life, Stick them on your bike, on your car and do whatever you can do to donate blood as somewhere, someone is waitinf for your blood to live his/her life!!

Enter your email address:

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