30 November 2011

[Back Again] Free Jeetle.in 500 Bid Points : Bid More, Win More with free bid points

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Jeetle.in is a very popular website in bidding and winning world. In India, people always think of getting to win from these sites. But for bidding, we need to buy bid points. And for bid points, we need to pay. Which most of us doesn't like.

So what if you could get these bid points for free?
Yes, you can get them for free. These 500 points promo code is launched nearly every month by jeetle to make their customers participate more actively.

Follow the below steps to get free 500 bid points :
  1. Click here to register at Jeetle.in.
  2. Activate your jeetle account by confirming mobile and email id.
  3. Go to promotional code tab.
  4. Apply  "TC80C" promo code
  5. You will get 500 bid points in your account!

Enjoy these free bidding points and wait for next months code!

Note : This code will expire on 1st December,2011. So use it before the time left.

Happy bidding!
Enter your email address:

1 comment:

  1. jeetle.in requires additional Rs.50 while using ur bid points..so u still require to invest money..anywayz nice post :)


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